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Fox Cutlery一直致力于做世界上最好的刀具和工具,它结合最传统的技艺与最新的工业技术,凭借高科技的制刀技术在国际知名度上占有一席之地。产品设计新颖,注重与手工刀匠和设计师合作,创造出许多畅销型号,狐狸公司是意大利最大的刀具制造商。

Fox Knives is one of the highly recognized and appreciated brands in the international market that has presented an extremely wide range of knives falling into different categories and are primarily designed for a different purpose, which includes tactical knives, everyday knives, and many more.


Fox Cutlery: sporting and professional cutlery. Far-sighted innovations, with a solid professional foundation.Fox Knives are perfect for cutting, and carving-related tasks. With a great deal of innovation, by constantly testing new materials and techniques, Fox has been one of the leaders on the knife market.


Fox Knives是国际市场上备受认可和赞赏的品牌之一,意大利设计一直经久不衰,成为了经典收藏品,被广大爱好者收藏。狐狸产品系列质量上乘,并经过现场测试,以确保多年来的优质品质,适合冒险爱好者的优质生存装备!